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Government Reactivates Certificates of Validation and Invitation for Businesspeople

PHNOM PENH: The Royal Government has reissued a guide on how to apply for a validation certification or invitation letter, as part of the revised travel restrictions coming into effect on Monday. The verification of certificates and invitation letters will be re-activated on Monday onwards.

The documents are certificates for both Khmer and foreign businesspeople or investors who are required to be invited by a local business partner that is a legal entity paying taxes in Cambodia. Both invitation letters and proof of up-to-date taxes can be downloaded at the website www.registrationservice.gov, which is operated by the Cambodia Data Exchange (CamDX).

The certificates are single-entry and can be valid for 30 days. With possession of a certificate, these travellers are allowed to quarantine for only 3 days with effect from Monday 18 October.

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